Prayer Breakfast

Armidale District Baptist Church 124 Jessie Street, Armidale, NSW, Australia

The morning starts at 8:00am and finishes no later than 9:30am. This will be a great morning of fellowship, hearing about the developments of AYF and praying for God’s work in the local Primary Schools and Armidale Secondary College. Gold Coin Donation for Breakfast.

Pray For Schools – Armidale 

Armidale District Baptist Church 124 Jessie Street, Armidale, NSW, Australia

There will be a new exciting opportunity to pray for Armidale’s Public Schools one lunch time a month. It will be accessible to workers during their lunch break, centrally located, meeting for no longer than 45 minutes. PRAY for Schools will meet on the last Thursday of each month during term time between 12:45 - […]

Annual General Meeting

St Peter's Parish Centre Tingcombe Lane, Armidale, NSW, Australia

This year’s AGM will also include various reports and the election of the Office Bearers for 2022. Everyone is warmly invited to attend and we would love to see you there, however please be aware that only AYF members can vote.  If you are not yet a member and would like to become one this can be organised […]

Monster Spring Garage Sale

Armidale District Baptist Church 124 Jessie Street, Armidale, NSW, Australia

The annual AYF Spring Garage Sale will be held ' on ' a Saturday 27th November - there"ll be something for everyone! Collectables and Books Watch and Necklace Stall Furniture and ' Toys Kitchenware and Electricals Plus Nik-Naks of every variety" Why not enjoy a sausage from the BBQ or a slice from the Cake […]

Prayer Breakfast

Armidale District Baptist Church 124 Jessie Street, Armidale, NSW, Australia

All are warmly invited to join us for the next Prayer and Pancakes Breakfast to be held on Saturday 27th August at the Armidale District Baptist Church (Cnr. Jessie & Rusden Street). The morning starts at 8:00am and finishes no later than 9:30am. This will be a great morning of fellowship, hearing about the developments of AYF and praying […]

Monster Spring Garage Sale

Armidale District Baptist Church 124 Jessie Street, Armidale, NSW, Australia

This major fundraising event will be held  from  Saturday 1 0th September from 8:30am to 1.00pm at the Armidale District Baptist Church Hall and carpark on Rusden Street. If you have usable items you could donate or would be available to help by volunteering to set up, pack up or be there on the day, […]

AYF Annual Fundraising Dinner 2023

Armidale Jockey Club Barney Street, Armidale, NSW, Australia

It's almost here! 🥳️ The Annual AYF Fundraising Dinner and Auction will be held on Saturday 27th May at the Armidale Jockey Club. Our guest speaker will be Dave Tankard, Associate Director of Scripture Union. This is our major fundraising event for the year, with supporters from every Christian church in Armidale. Tickets can be […]


KICKOFF Youth Event

The Den 182 Butler Street, Armidale, NSW, Australia

  KICKOFF is an evangelistic youth event bringing various youth ministries together for a night of large scale games and a Gospel message. Everyone that attends will be placed into 1 of 4 teams, each represented by a team and colour. The four teams will compete against each other in various games throughout the event, […]